Transmythic Transmetal II Vox

from TMII Ramulus

Robot Mode Beast Mode

    After making Perytron, I was told by a friend he'd deify me if I could make a Leucrotta, a mythical offspring of a hyena and a lion that was used in the original AD&D Monster Manual. Done and done. }-> The Leucrotta has a horse's body, goat's hooves, a lion's tail and a badger's head, with bony ridges instead of teeth. I think I managed to get pretty close to that description, yes?

    Vox is made solely from Ramulus parts and Milliput epoxy putty (and paint, of course). I opened up Ramulus's horn assembly and removed everything, eventually deciding I could make the piece into a badger head with some putty and a little luck. The chrome plate over Ramulus's face would then become the hinged lower jaw of the Leucrotta. Cutting one of the ram horns away from its hinges, I attached it to Ramulus's tail with putty and then filed the hardened putty down to match the basic bony pattern of the horn.

    The rest was painting. I found that nail polish topcoat dissolves the red chrome and lets it rise up through the layer of paint over it, so I needed to do a second coat of copper paint and polish. The red I used was as close to a metallic red as I've been able to find to date, and the purple looked like a nice bright "Decepticon" purple...until it dried. There's some problem with transformation rubbing paint off, even through the nail polish, but most of the scraping is in areas not immediately visible.

Beast Mode: Leucrotta
Function: Guerilla Tactics
Motto: "Don't believe everything you hear."

When his deal with Optimus Primal left Megatron with a relatively weak warrior in Vox, he decided to use Vox in his Transmetal II experiments. The good news was that it worked. The bad news was that the Transmetal II process shattered the bonds placed on Vox's spark...and since Vox had so little experience as a Predacon, he immediately defected. Vox is still uncertain of his role in the Beast Wars, but hides this behind a joking personality, using his talent of sonic imitation to play jokes on friend and foe alike. Vox can reproduce any sound or voice he has heard to an accuracy good enough to fool all but the most perceptive. In a fight, Vox is a close-combat terror, with his fearsome Leucrotta natural weaponry or with the wrist-mounted blades in his robot mode. Additionally, the top of his beast head becomes a sonic buzzsaw weapon that can cut through almost anything given time. Finally, should he need to attack at range, he can deploy twin shoulder cannons to fire devastating ultrasonics with pinpoint accuracy.

STR 7  INT 7  SPD 5  END 5   RNK 5  COUR 6  FRP 8  SKL 9   Avg 6.5

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